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"Dealing with Media Overload—a POC's Perspective”

By: Makayla Campbell


All of the social media, news, and information being spread about people of color and how they are being mistreated can make you lose hope for humanity. Reading articles, watching videos on Instagram, and browsing statistics on Twitter can be a lot to deal with as an individual, and especially as a POC personally affected. So here are some ways on how to cope with it.


As simple as that. Reach out to a friend, family member, teacher, counselor, or a person you trust. Rant or vent or yell about how seeing these things makes you feel and how it affects you. If you are a person of color talking to a fellow person of color, then you can communicate and relate to one another about your feelings.


You might feel better after doing something, whether that be signing a petition, donating, or reposting something. If you are going to post something on social media, be careful and make sure it's not triggering and, if it is, leave a warning. Doing something is doing better than nothing, so just knowing that you’re spreading awareness can help bring your mood up drastically.


Just take a break. Stop going on social media for a while, skip people's stories on Instagram, or delete your platforms altogether if it gets to that point. Do what is best for you, so you can deal with it.


It is good to know that information about people of color being mistreated is finally being spread, but it can also hurt. Seeing people in your own community being killed or judged for being themselves can be scary, so you have to cope with it. Try these techniques, and if it’s serious enough, please reach out to a professional.

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